some thumbnails of my illustrations

some thumbnails of my illustrations
Please click on the links below to view my portfolio ........ Images copyright of Carrie Osborne

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Another Stony Street session...

5 minute pose

Well I managed to make it out to the life session again this week...
We had a fantastic model, really strong and great poses... but unfortunately it had been a very long day for me and I didn't have the focus or the concentration I needed to do her justice.
It's so frustrating sometimes when the model strikes a really great dynamic pose and the light and shadows are just right, but the pencil turns to a lumpy cumbersome stick and my brain and fingers are at odds! Oh well...
Here are the best of the worst from tonight...

5 minutes

15 minutes

30 minute pose (some odd proportions going on there!)

And the final 30 minute pose

I felt like I was wrestling with it tonight but its really great to get out and draw finally! Looking forward to doing some more next time...


  1. Loving the top and bottom poses particularly Carrie; as always, seeing these really makes me wish I could draw!

  2. Well i think even in your tired state, your 5 min sketches are great,very fluid lines & you have a wonderful sense of perspective. I used to love doing the 5 min life drawing poses, it was good for me as usually im far to careful & over correct stuff. Wish we had life drawing here. x x

  3. Hi Kate, everyone can draw - really its just a fear of failure or judgement that stops us... if you can put all those feelings aside, grab a pencil and jump in with both feet you might just surprise yourself!
    (though even those of us that have always drawn still find it hard sometimes to silence those inner disparaging voices that tell you you're rubbish!!)
    There's a course somewhere called 'Drawing for the terrified'it might even be a distance learning thing, just can't quite remember...
    A few pointers from an artist friend or even a short drawing course would give you a good fighting start...
    Also there's a link to London Art College in my sidebar and I know they do beginner drawing courses. I did a fantastic Children's Illustration course with them which taught me a huge amount and really helped with my confidence too, I certainly wouldn't be doing this blog otherwise! Might be worth considering if you really want to give it a shot.
    Here's a favourite quote of mine:
    'It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.' - Seneca.

  4. Thanks Ruthie :) The shorter poses usually work better for me, it does stop you getting tight and fussy! It's a shame there's not a life group near you, maybe you could start one if you could find a willing model or two?!

  5. Thanks Carrie, you're right of course, it's fear of failure that prevents me from even trying. I used to be married to an artist - a lovely man - but so good at what he did, I think it made me self concious about my inadequacies in comparison.

    I really do need to make an effort and at least pick up a pencil though so if I can locate it, 'Drawing for the Terrified' might just be the way forward, it certainly sums up my mental state of being at the moment! Thanks also for the London Art College Link, I'll have a perusal and see where it leads me.....

    Kate x


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